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Will we really see prison reform?
It's very unusual for any Prime Minister to make a speech about prison reform, let alone a Conservative one...

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Yesterday (8 February 2016), the Prime Minister made a very unusual speech.

Unusual for any Prime Minister.

Very unusual for a Conservative Prime Minister.

Unusual because it committed the Government to reforming our prison system – which is considered to be pretty low on most voters’ list of priorities.

Below you can see a full account of the Prime Minister’s speech and a very broad range of response.

The account is constructed via the online curation tool Storify, click on any of the boxes to get the full content.

I will be adding to it over the coming days, so check back to see new comments and criticisms.

[If the Storify doesn’t render on your device, click here. I wouldn’t try the slideshow version, either.]


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One Response

  1. Another government scam to flog off public sector assets to private sector chancers. Go the same way as TR, a complete mess.

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