all my published work with clickable links
my publications
Webster, Russell (2024) Bullingdon Community Connections Pilot: Evaluation, OCVA.
Webster, R., Fearns, C., Harriott, P., Millar, L., Simpson, J., Wallace, J. and Wheatley, M. (2024), “Accessing opioid agonist treatment in prison in England and Scotland remains problematic – the views of people with lived experience”, International Journal of Prison Health, Vol. 20 No. 2, pp. 143-155.
(2023) HM Inspectorate of Probation and Webster, R. (2023) Annual Report 2022/23
Webster, R. & Centre for Justice Innovation (2023) Exploring data gaps on the victims of crime. Legal Education Foundation
Webster, R. (2022) Helping people on probation with gambling-related harms Probation Quarterly Issue 26.
Webster et al. (2021) Peers who volunteer: A guide on how to support people with lived experience
Fox C, Harrison J, Hothersall G, Smith A, Webster R. A Rapid Evidence Assessment of the impact of probation caseloads on reducing recidivism and other probation outcomes. Probation Journal. July 2021. doi:10.1177/02645505211025595
Edgar, K., Harris, M. & Webster, R. (2020) No life, no freedom, no future: the experiences of prisoners recalled under the sentence of Imprisonment for Public Protection. Prison Reform Trust.
Harrison, Yesberg, Keenan, McSweeney & Webster (2020) Alcohol Abstinence Monitoring Requirement Final Impact Evaluation. MOPAC.
Harris M, Edgar K, Webster R. (2020) ‘I’m always walking on eggshells, and there’s no chance of me ever being free’: The mental health implications of Imprisonment for Public Protection in the community and post‐recall. Crim Behav Ment Health. 2020;1–10.
Webster (2020) What does recovery look like? The post-Covid-19 landscape for delivery of services by voluntary organisations for people in the criminal justice system. Clinks
Webster (2020) The Role of Payment by Results in Privatising the Probation Service in Bean, P. (Ed) (2020) Criminal Justice and Privatisation: Key issues and debates. Routledge.
Webster (2020) Safer Nightlife: an online resource for managing drugs at pubs, clubs and festivals. London Drug and Alcohol Policy Forum.
Farrukh Alam, Nat Wright, Paul Roberts, Sunny Dhadley, Joanne Townley, Russell Webster (2019) Optimising opioid substitution therapy in the prison environment. International Journal of Prisoner Health. Volume 15 Issue 4.
Webster, R. (2017) User-led interventions – an expanding resource? Lisbon: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
Brooker C, Webster R, (2017) Prison mental health in-reach teams, serious mental illness and the Care Programme Approach in England, Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine (2017), doi: 10.1016/j.jflm.2017.07.010.
Webster (2017) Service user views on opioid substitution treatment in prison.
Webster (2017) Treatment Vs Punishment for Drug Addiction: Lessons from Austria, Poland and Spain, Drugs and Alcohol Today, Vol. 17 Iss: 1, pp.69 – 70
Webster (2016) Vital Information Pack (6th edition): basic facts about drink, drugs and going out. London Drug & Alcohol Policy Forum.
Webster (2016) Payment by Results: Lessons from the Literature. Oak Foundation
Bath, C., Bhardwa, B, Jacobson, J., May, T. & Webster, R. (2015) There to help: ensuring provision of appropriate adults for mentally vulnerable adults detained or interviewed by police National Appropriate Adult Network
Webster (2014) Vital Information Pack (5th edition): basic facts about drink, drugs and going out. London Drug & Alcohol Policy Forum.
Webster (2013) My Rehabilitation Revolution. British Journal of Community Justice, Vol 11, Number 2/3 Winter 2013
Webster (2013) The 10 Commandments of Payment by Results – ALL proceeds to the Howard League for Penal Reform
Gyateng, Tracey and Kirby, Amy and Webster, Russell and Hunter, Gillian (2012) Assessing young people in police custody: an examination of the operation of Triage schemes. London: Home Office Occasional Paper 106
Webster (2011) Drugs at the Door: Guidance for venues and staff on handling drugs. London Drug and Alcohol Policy Forum.
Webster (2010) Vital Information Pack: basic facts about drink, drugs and going out. London Drug Policy Forum.
McSweeney, Webster, Turnbull & Duffy (2009) Evidence Based practice? The National Probation Service’s work with alcohol-misusing offenders. Ministry of Justice Research Series 13/09
Webster (2008) Safer Nightlife: best practice for those concerned about drug use and the night-time economy. London Drug Policy Forum, London.
Webster (2007) Reflecting the Future. Conference report from the London Drug Policy Forum.
Webster (2007) Vital information pack 2007: basic facts about clubs and drugs, London Drug Policy Forum, London.
Turnbull & Webster (2007) Supervising crack using offenders on Drug Treatment and Testing Orders. London: National Treatment Agency
Webster & Hough (2006) Engaging with communities to tackle crack-related harm: a review of the literature
Penfold, Turnbull & Webster (2005) Tackling prison drug markets: an exploratory qualitative study. Home Office Online Report 39/05
Webster (2005) Learning from Europe: practices and policies. Conference report of the Thirteenth London Drug Policy Forum annual conference. LDPF: London.
Webster (2004) The GLADA Crack Cocaine Strategy 2005-2008. London: Greater London Drugs and Alcohol Alliance.
Webster (2004) Effective aftercare for drug users leaving prison – A review of the literature, Greenwich Drug and Alcohol Action Team. London.
Webster (2004) Vital information pack 2004: basic facts about clubs and drugs, London Drug Policy Forum, London.
Webster (2004) Building confidence in our communities, Conference report of the Twelfth London Drug Policy Forum annual conference. LDPF: London.
Webster (2003) Delivering the national drug strategy in London Home Office, London Drug Policy Forum.
Baker, Webster et al.(2003) Enhancing drug services. London: Drugscope.
Webster (2002) Safer Clubbing Guidance for licensing authorities, club managers and promoters Home Office, London Drug Policy Forum
Webster (2002) It’s a family affair – Conference report of the Eleventh London Drug Policy Forum annual conference. LDPF: London.
Webster (2001) Drugs and the Community: what local authorities can do London Drug Policy Forum & The Drug Prevention Initiative. London.
Webster, Hedderman, Turnbull and May (2001) Building bridges to employment for prisoners Home Office London HORS 226
Webster (2001) Availability – the local connection. Conference report of the Tenth London Drug Policy Forum annual conference. LDPF: London.
Turnbull, Hough, McSweeney and Webster (2000) Drug treatment and testing orders. Home Office Research Study 212 London.
Honess, Seymour and Webster (2000) The Social Context of Under-age drinking. Home Office: London.
Webster (1999) Out of Crime and into Work Hertfordshire Probation Service, Hertford.
Webster (1999) Working with black crack users in a crisis setting. City Roads, London.
Webber, Shapiro, Hayes, Ryan & Webster (1998) Controlled drugs: a handbook for the legal profession. London: ISDD.
Turnbull PJ, Webster R (1998) An overview of demand reduction activity in the criminal justice system in the European Union. Drugs, Education, Prevention and Policy. Vol.5 No.2.
Turnbull P.J., Webster R. (1997) Demand Reduction Activities in the criminal justice system in the European Union. Final Report. EMCDDA.
Turnbull P.J., Webster R, Stillwell G. (1996) Get It While You Can: an evaluation of an early intervention project for arrestees with alcohol and drug problems. Paper 9 Drug Prevention Initiative. HMSO:London.
Webster (1996) The courting game: a handbook for drug service intervention in a court setting. SCODA London.
Webster (1995) Working in partnership: The probation service and the voluntary sector. RHP Lyme Regis.
Webster, Chappell I. (1995) Breaking into the system A guide for alcohol services on partnership with the police, probation and prison services. Alcohol Concern. London
Hart, D. Webster R. (1994) Great Expectations: drug services and probation, a guide to partnership. SCODA. London.
Turnbull PJ and Webster R. (1993) Drug use, HIV and AIDS, and the criminal justice system. Executive Summary, The Centre for Research on Drugs and Health Behaviour.
Hart, D. Webster R. (1992) The Revolving Door stops. The Criminal Justice Act: New opportunities for drug users? SCODA London.