If you want a quick overview of Payment by Results, I strongly recommend that you read the 2015 National Audit Office report: Outcome-based payment schemes: the government’s use of payment by results. (I summarised this report in a series of blog posts, if you want a quicker read.) The research section contains most of the UK literature relating to PbR with some examples of international research too. The research information was compiled during the process of a literature review I constructed for a project funded by the Oak Foundation.
The literature review is available here for download and here to read online.
The literature reviewed is also available on a sector-by-sector basis. If you are interested in PbR’s application to a particular field, then clicking on the relevant link below will take you to the full reference of each piece of research, a link to the document if available freely online, and a one sentence summary. If I have summarised the study in a blog post, this will be linked too.
- General PbR/outcome payments literature
- Criminal Justice
- Drugs & Alcohol
- Health
- Housing & Homelessness
- Troubled Families and people with complex needs
- Worklessness
- International Development
When the literature review is finalised, it too will be available in full online and will be free to download.
There are five other sections to this payment by results resource pack: