Prison staff the key to penal reform
RSA Future Prison report due out at end of October expected to argue that empowering front line prison staff is key to developing a more rehabilitative system.
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RSA Future Prison report due out at end of October expected to argue that empowering front line prison staff is key to developing a more rehabilitative system.
In her 1st appearance before the Select Committee, new Justice Secretary Liz Truss refused to confirm or deny the imminence of a prison reform bill.
The Justice Committee finds that overall levels of safety in prisons are continuing to deteriorate and demands a MoJ/NOMS action plan with quarterly updates
Excellent new discussion paper from Clinks looks to develop a constructive dialogue about how our soon-to-be-reformed prison system should look.
Most prisoners still had less than two hours a day out of their cells and we found more than half the population locked behind their doors during the working day.
Summary of Michael Gove’s appearance before the House of Commons Justice Committee setting out his plans for penal reform.
The voice of probation – the Probation Institute enters the debate on prison reform arguing for a reinvestment in community sanctions.
It’s very unusual for any Prime Minister to make a speech about prison reform, let alone a Conservative one…