Measuring the impact of arts and mentoring interventions with offenders
HMPPS toolkit to measure intermediate outcomes to reduce reoffending from arts and mentoring interventions.
Here you can find over 150 posts tracking every major development in payment by results since 2011. You can see where PbR has succeeded and, more frequently, where it has failed across a wide range of sectors: offending, welfare, employment, substance misuse… If you’re looking for something in particular, try the search box below.
HMPPS toolkit to measure intermediate outcomes to reduce reoffending from arts and mentoring interventions.
Jack Cattell of Get The Data Ltd analyses the proposed changes in the private probation contract payment mechanism.
Sixth and final post in my series responding to the MoJ’s consultation on the future of probation, setting outcomes and incentives.
Jack Cattell of Get The Data Ltd analyses the first year of TR payment by results outcomes.
There have been statistically significant reductions in the adjusted binary reoffending rate for 11 of the 21 CRCs in the April to June 2016 cohort when compared to the 2011 baseline reoffending rates.
Jack Cattell of Get the Data does a deep dive into the latest private probation reconviction data and payment by results outcomes and finds some contradictory trends.
NAO finds a total of £342 additional payments promised to Community Rehabilitation Contracts but thinks they may fail to hit payment by results targets.
DCLG final evaluation of the London rough sleepers SIB has found it to be a success – particularly in supporting people into long term accommodation.
Jack Cattell of Get The Data analyses the first results from Transforming Rehabilitation and shows which CRCs have hit their payment by results targets.
The belated final evaluation of the drug and alcohol PbR recovery pilots found they were expensive, delayed treatment entry & had fewer treatment completions.
Belated publication of PbR drug & alcohol recovery pilots outcomes show mixed performance with fewer successful treatment completions than in non-PbR areas.
Final evaluation of Peterborough Prison resettlement scheme finds it cut reoffending by 9%, so why was it halted half way through?