Probation officers need more training and support to work with young adults
Inspectorate finds probation needs more resources and training to work with young adults
Here you can find more than 750 posts tracking every major development in probation since 2011. You can trace the rise and fall of Transforming Rehabilitation, see the latest performance figures and explore new practice developments. If you’re looking for something in particular, try the search box below.
Inspectorate finds probation needs more resources and training to work with young adults
The official evaluation of the Youth Justice Reform programme finds mixed results.
Process evaluation of a specialist young adult probation hub finds a successful model.
Probation inspectors find just 47% Pre-Sentence Reports up to standard.
Prison and probation staffing levels not improving (summer 2024)
Nina Maxwell sets out how we can respond to child criminal exploitation for HMI Probation.
New Labour Government springs a surprise in justice ministerial line-up
There are 17,070 people on remand, the highest number ever.
32% people who died within two weeks of leaving prison were released homeless.
Lady Edwina Grosvenor celebrates the first year of a ground-breaking new project for justice involved women.
A comparative study and recommendations on programmes for perpetrators of domestic and sexual violence
Inspiring Futures evaluation focuses on social benefits of arts programmes in criminal justice settings