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Probation Wednesday #1: A rose by any other name…
Welcome to the first in a series of short posts about how probation trusts can make

Drug Treatment 2.0
This post is a celebration of the increasing range and variety of online resources developed by

Facebook fools
It’s been a bit of a stressful month for criminal justice professionals. Probation and prison services

Arrested development: Why individual PbR will not work
Saturday’s newspapers sent shockwaves through all ranks of police officers who are waiting for Tom Winsor’s

PbR needs emergency measures
One of the key arguments in favour of a payment by results approach to commissioning is

Bringing criminals to (Face)book
There are plenty of posts on this site about how police have used Facebook to track
Employ Russell
Russell has over 20 years’ experience as a researcher and consultant specialising in substance misuse and crime.
Prison, probation, police, substance misuse, commissioning & payment by results.
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Can prison service get back to providing a positive regime?
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