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On Probation

Probation Innovation

What should the future of probation look like? A new interactive website from the Innovation Unit shows the way. Sharing international research, views from service users and experts, it asks you to join the conversation…

On Probation

Energising the debate on Transforming Rehabilitation – UPDATE

TR provokes strong feelings with some seeing it as an opportunity to improve the quality and effectiveness of work done to reduce reoffending and others maintaining that it is mainly about privatisation and will result in a poorer service. This fundamental difference of opinion has led to a somewhat stagnant debate in recent months. So, I decided to try to liven up the debate, and widen its scope by engaging some new participants…

On Probation

Don’t write off probation in the rehabilitation revolution

There have been better times to be a probation officer. It’s not the easiest job in the world at the best of times and, like every other public service, probation trusts have had to implement year-on-year financial cuts for the last few years. But 2013 is the toughest year yet. 70% of probation’s work is being outsourced and a wide range of large private and voluntary sector organisations are seeking to take over the work. Recently the MoJ has acknowledged that probation trusts could spin out public service mutuals and bid for their “own” work.

On Probation

Keep up with the future of probation

Transforming Rehabilitation The Ministry of Justice under Chris Grayling is planning the most radical changes to the probation service in its history. The changes include: The

Payment by Results

Is payment by results rocket science?

12 things I learnt from the Policy Exchange PbR Event Policy Exchange hosted a payment by results event on Monday (4 March 2013) to follow

Payment by Results

Can we afford the rehabilitation revolution?

The cost of transforming rehabilitation People interested in the proposed payment by results model of commissioning re-offending frequently draw comparisons with the PbR-funded Work Programme.

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