COVID and the Criminal Justice System
All the latest coronavirus Stats Research Policy Responses

The impact of coronavirus on the families and friends of people on remand
COVID-19 restrictions ignore and increase the harm caused to those supporting remand prisoners

The impact of coronavirus on the numbers in prison and on probation
Offender management stats reveal impact of coronavirus on the numbers in prison and on probation.

The impact of COVID-19 on our courts
Criminal court statistics reveal full extent of coronavirus impact.

Drug and alcohol use through the pandemic
The Global Drug Survey’s COVID-19 survey finds that many people in the UK increased their use of cannabis and alcohol.

Increase in child to parent violence during lockdown
The ‘hidden problem’ of child and adolescent to parent violence (C/APV) has seen a significant increase in the lockdown.

Continued severe regimes put prisoners’ psychological wellbeing at risk
Chief Inspector says continued severe regime restrictions in prisons – at times effectively solitary confinement – have created “a real risk of psychological decline among prisoners.”

What is it like being in prison or probation during lockdown?
User Voice report on how people in prison and on probation have experienced lockdown.

Coronavirus in European prisons
CCJS releases latest tranche of raw data from European survey of coronavirus in prison.

Supporting Prison Governors Out Of COVID-19
Run for your life CIC helps prison governors plan for a new, better, normal post-coronavirus.

The impact of coronavirus on probation
Justice Committee finds that Covid-19 has exacerbated already present staffing issues within the probation service.

Young people’s views on policing the pandemic
Policing the Pandemic is a youth-led study that provides a snapshot of young people’s views and experiences of policing during lockdown.

Why have we banned research in prisons?
The importance of lived experience of prisoners to inform our responses to COVID-19