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The latest research, policy, practice and opinion on our criminal justice and drug & alcohol treatment systems

New probation still a cause for concern

The Inspectorate’s overall conclusion reflects their continuing concerns about the new system; particularly around risk, and, most seriously, around risk to children:

Latest re-offending figures sound alarm bells

This consistent upward (with the exception of juveniles released from custody) trend is worrying and many commentators will feel it reflects the substantial cuts in probation resources over recently years. Paradoxically, new private probation providers may be pleased to see the rates rise as these are likely to form the baseline for their payment by results targets.

What’s life in recovery like?

The authors’ final conclusion notes that recovery is not just about stopping negative behaviour; it is also about making a positive contribution and engaging in society. 79.4% of survey participants reported having volunteered in community or civic groups since the start of their recovery journeys.

What did failed prime bidders think of the probation TR competition?

However, it may be that many of these voluntary sector providers would have been neither able nor willing to deliver probation services at the prices eventually set by the MoJ. Indeed, some of the successful private firms may already ruing their good fortune as they wrestle with the “winner’s curse”.

Interact with Payment by Results

Get involved in new PbR interactive tool: Send in examples of PbR evaluations and research, particularly any “grey” material not publicly available; Express an interest in attending one of the consultation workshops or in piloting the tool.

Tackling drug-related crime

Changes in probation and substance misuse commissioning, combined with the very significant cuts to the prison system, have made it much more difficult for drug and/or alcohol dependent offenders to get the treatment which they need to achieve recovery, in which society needs to tackle crime.

Disappointing outcomes for Peterborough and Doncaster prison PbR pilots

These are very disappointing results for the MoJ. Normally, there would be an expectation of a high level of performance from pilots with such public exposure where the partners had chosen to participate and, indeed, had championed and driven the initiative from the outset. Therefore, it is an extremely worrying sign for the new private providers of probation whose revenue will be, to an increasing extent, dependent on reducing reoffending rates, that these high-profile pilots are performing so poorly.

The Prison Governors’ Association justice priorities

We cannot go on thinking we can imprison our way to a safer society, not only is it poor value for money for the taxpayer, it also fails to recognise the evidence already available that there are better and more cost effective ways to protect the public and reduce reoffending.

Drugs in Prison

Although it is obvious that the main reason that such large quantities of drugs get into prison is to feed the demand of the many dependent drug users inside, it has long been a significant concern that as many as one in five heroin users took the drug for the first time in custody.

Probation staffing levels fall under Transforming Rehabilitation

NOMS just published its latest workforce information summary report which records the number of staff working for Community Rehabilitation Companies at 31 December 2014. Overall there are about 150 fewer full time equivalent staff working for the 21 CRCs (who were at the time still part of the public sector); an overall reduction of 1.84%.


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