Building probation capacity
Leo Tigges & Stephen Pitts on building probation capacity
Here you can find more than 750 posts tracking every major development in probation since 2011. You can trace the rise and fall of Transforming Rehabilitation, see the latest performance figures and explore new practice developments. If you’re looking for something in particular, try the search box below.
Joint inspection finds little progress on work with women in prison and on probation.
HMPPS workforce figures to March 2024 show 1,396 more prison officers than last year and 334 fewer probation practitioners.
Clinks Advisory Group reports on the increasing difficulties for people leaving prison to find rented accommodation.
Justice Data Lab finds that HMPPS CFO employment intervention cuts reoffending by 8 percentage points for men when delivered in the community.
Offender management statistics show a jump in the prison population, the highest ever numbers on remand and (another) increase in prison recalls.
Clinks Advisory Group reports on employment and training in prisons and the community.
The probation inspectorate publishes an A-Z of key research messages to build a common understanding of key concepts in probation and youth justice
Probation inspectorate overview of the current difficulties with intervention delivery post-unification.
Guest blog by Nicole Renehan & David Gadd on what can be learned from the Building Better Relationships intervention with domestic abuse offenders.
Haydn Morgan & Andrew Parker examine sport and physical activity as interventions for resettlement.
The Centre for Crime and Justice Studies has published a 5-point plan to resolve the IPP crisis for good.