Keep up-to-date with drugs and crime

The latest research, policy, practice and opinion on our criminal justice and drug & alcohol treatment systems

Alcohol & Drugs

All the latest news: Policy Practice Innovation Treatment Drug Use Trends

Here you can find over 400 posts tracking every major development in the substance misuse sector since 2011. You can keep up with latest treatment stats, funding news, policy developments and treatment innovations. If you’re looking for something in particular, try the search box below.


What is environmental drug and alcohol prevention?

Traditional substance use prevention has focused on warning or informing about risks or on skills-based interventions. Why not aim to limit unhealthy behaviours by changing the environment in ways which influence people’s choices?


Understanding recovery from a family perspective

Alcohol dependency affects not only the individual but their family. This world-first study from Sheffield Hallam and Adfam reveals the far-reaching extent of family harms and huge gains of recovery.


Latest figures on drug treatment in prison

A depressing set of figures with less people in treatment, low rates of continuity of care on release and more people dying while in treatment.


648,000 people sexually assaulted last year

Latest ONS official statistics based on the Crime Survey for England and Wales reveal that 83% victims (83%) did not report their experiences to the police.


Parental alcohol misuse and children

The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology says >200,000 children live with an alcohol-dependent adult.


Dealing with a loved one’s addiction

Adfam has curated top tips from individuals affected by a family member’s drug and/or alcohol problem use and put together a very helpful infographic.


Stigma distorts drug policy

Global Commission on Drug Policy says that ending the stigmatisation of drug users is the only route to an effective, evidence-based drug policy.


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