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How to be Twitterfective in 10 easy steps

Over the last couple of months I wrote a series of ten blog posts to provide guidance for probation and police staff on how to make the most of Twitter. The contents were relevant to anyone who wants to Tweet primarily about their work, whether officially or anonymously, although most of the examples of best […]

Do my Tweets make a difference? (Probation Wednesday #10)

This last post in my series on how to get the most out of Twitter looks at assessing the impact of your tweets. Twitter has its own intrinsic pleasures – making new contacts which sometimes burgeon into friendships (both virtual and real-life), discovering new ideas and interests, keeping abreast of the latest news and developments, […]

Livening up your Tweets with multimedia (Probation Wednesday #9)

As I have said before many times in this series, the best way to build a Twitter following is to tweet about interesting things in an interesting way. One of the ways of livening up your tweets and adding variety is by the use of multi-media – or, more simply, putting pictures or video in […]

Get organised on Twitter (Probation Wednesday #8)

It’s raining tweets Once you’ve been on Twitter for a few months and are following a few hundred people (and, I hope, have a few hundred people following you), most people feel the need to get organised. During peak times in working hours, the tweets rain down my timeline at the rate of about one […]

Build a Twitter following (Probation Wednesday #7)

“If a tree falls in a forest and no-one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”   This famous philosophical conundrum can be applied to tweeting too. There is limited point in crafting a series of pithy, intriguing tweets if you have only a few dozen followers to read and share them. This series […]

How often should I tweet? (Probation Wednesday #6)

How long is a piece of string? How often you tweet is very much a matter for you and what you are trying to achieve by tweeting. If you are a corporate tweeter – i.e. all your tweets are with your work hat on and you are linking to a lot of case studies, press […]

The fine art of the Re-Tweet

Re-tweeting is just a matter of hovering over a Tweet and clicking the re-tweet symbol. So why does it need a whole article for itself? Well, re-tweeting is as important as tweeting itself; many of us re-tweet much more often than we Tweet. Why re-tweet? Personally, for every Tweet I make, I re-tweet 13 times […]

How to be a good Tweeter

What makes a good Tweet? There’s no single answer to this question of course. A good Tweet is like a good book or a good film – different people like different ones. Nevertheless, The Artist is considered by most people to be superior to Wrath of the Titans 3D. Most people find that the experience […]

Raising your profile: Probation Wednesday (3)

Your Twitter profile is perhaps the single most important component of your tweeting presence. Your Twitter name helps identify you. Your profile picture establishes your individuality and helps you stand out in the timeline. Your profile tells people why you are on Twitter and gives the biggest clue as to whether you are worth following. […]

A picture’s worth a thousand tweets

Welcome to the second in my series of posts helping probation trusts (and other organisations) get the most out of Twitter. Last week I discussed choosing your Twitter name, this week focuses on choosing your Twitter profile picture. Again, you might think this is not worth spending much time on. But when anyone is scrolling […]

Probation Wednesday #1: A rose by any other name…

Welcome to the first in a series of short posts about how probation trusts can make the most out of Twitter. I’ve been running training days for Probation Trusts on a strategic approach to social media for a few months now and thought it would be useful to share some practice tips in a short […]


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