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Criminal Justice

The Year In Youth Justice (2021/22)

The Youth Justice Board Annual Report highlights the key trends for children in contact with the justice system.

Criminal Justice

Racial disparity in youth justice

New YJB data confirms Black children are still more likely to be arrested, held in custody on remand and receive harsher penalties.

young offenders
Criminal Justice

Details of Youth Justice review

The review has been met with some scepticism among seasoned justice commentators such as Rob Allen who are surprised at the exclusions and wonder if the review is an excuse to finally go through with the abolition of the Youth Justice Board. The next few months will be a good test of Mr Gove’s pledge to build a new justice system based on the evidence.

On Probation

Preventing child deaths in custody

It’s my depressing conclusion that much of the YJB’s meticulous work to prevent any more children dying in custody may be undone by the creation of large Secure Colleges such as the initial 320 bed institution currently under development in Leicestershire.


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