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What are social impact bonds? Or: Show me the money
Given the current state of the economy and scale of the deficit, it is clear that there is likely to be a continued high level of interest in Private Finance Initiatives which is essentially what Social Impact Bonds are. At one level, those of us trying to tackle entrenched social problems like drug-related offending are not too concerned with the source of funding, we just want someone to ‘show me the money’.
Promoting offender health – peering into the future
Last week I attended a conference on offender health commissioning which had a focus on the
Mind the (social aspiration) gap
One of the most fulfilling side-effects of writing a Blog is that you are more aware

Why the drug treatment sector must get on board with PbR
‘Payment by results’ is an approach to funding public services which mirrors how we pay for
Applying ourselves to prevent drug overdoses
The mobile phone application market is huge, over half a million apps for iPhone and quarter
PbR – a healthy proposition?
Last week I posted apoll to try to gauge attitudes to payment by results by those sufficiently
Employ Russell
Russell has over 20 years’ experience as a researcher and consultant specialising in substance misuse and crime.
Prison, probation, police, substance misuse, commissioning & payment by results.
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Can prison service get back to providing a positive regime?
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