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Ryan Campbell from RAPt on hidden costs of payment by results
In this latest in a series of short video interviews on payment by results, Ryan Campbell

The power of online participation
This is the fourth in a short series of posts on a great new book by Howard

Prison Coach @Clare_McGregor on why she tweets
@Clare_McGregor is a self-employed consultant who has spent most of the last two years developing a

Jon Collins of the Police Foundation says the jury is still out on payment by results
Jon Collins is Deputy Director of the Police Foundation and has written extensively on payment by

Crap Detection 101
This is the third in a short series of posts on a great new book by Howard

Probation Hostel @SWMPTrustAPLive on why they tweet (WIT#16)
An anonymous tweeter based in a West Midlands Probation Hostel, @SWMPTrustAPLive, writes about why s/he tweets. Tweets
Employ Russell
Russell has over 20 years’ experience as a researcher and consultant specialising in substance misuse and crime.
Prison, probation, police, substance misuse, commissioning & payment by results.
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