Keep up-to-date with drugs and crime

The latest research, policy, practice and opinion on our criminal justice and drug & alcohol treatment systems

Alcohol & Drugs

All the latest news: Policy Practice Innovation Treatment Drug Use Trends

Here you can find over 400 posts tracking every major development in the substance misuse sector since 2011. You can keep up with latest treatment stats, funding news, policy developments and treatment innovations. If you’re looking for something in particular, try the search box below.


Londoners are using less cocaine

New wastewater analysis shows Londoners’ cocaine usage has dropped by almost one third since 2016.


Drug-related hospital emergencies

Most drug emergency cases are
discharged quickly, but a small but significant minority (6 %) involve severe acute toxicity requiring critical

alcohol costs

Alcohol trends 2020

The Statistics on Alcohol for 2020 showed there were 358,000 admissions to hospital last year primarily due to alcohol consumption a 6% jump on the previous year.

safer nightlife

Safer Nightlife

The latest online version of key advice for everyone who works in pubs, clubs and at festivals on how to manage drugs safely.


Turning around our prison system

Reform Think Tank report sets out the priority areas for investment in our failing prison system.


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