Most young women have been sexually harassed
Large YouGOv polls finds that 38 percent of 18 to 24 year olds have experienced inappropriate touching in a public place.
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Large YouGOv polls finds that 38 percent of 18 to 24 year olds have experienced inappropriate touching in a public place.
YOTs are doing a good job protecting the public from serious young offenders but need more support & training around trauma and the use of social media.
The Home Office has published new measures to help the victims of modern slavery alongside a typology of the 17 most common forms of this abuse in the UK.
Official figures show that 21,721 people were recalled to prison in the year Apr 2016 – Mar 2017 but only 44% of them had committed a further offence.
How does the UK fare in the latest international country comparison of incarceration rates?
Cross-Party Parliamentary Group issues a ten point charter to advance a more evidence-based approach to drug and alcohol issues.
Evaluation of Prison Voicemail service, available in most English & Welsh jails, finds it is an essential way of helping prisoners and families keep in touch.
David Lammy’s review into racial discrimination at every stage of the criminal justice system. Will government act on his 35 far-reaching recommendations?
A new forecast predicts that the US cannabis market will be much larger by 2026 and that the vast majority of sales will be done on a legal basis.
Ireland was the 4th worst European country with 71 drug deaths per million, with the UK in 5th place with 60 deaths per million.
Latest criminal justice statistics confirm the long term trend of fewer people going through the courts, but more sentenced to prison with longer sentences.
Latest official drug stats shows no major changes in patterns of consumption except for a drop in the use of New Psychoactive Substances.