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Prison Posts

All the latest news: Reform Safety Policy

Here you can find over 600 posts tracking every major development in our prisons since 2011. You can read prison safety statistics, find out about prison reform plans and (often lack of progress), positive developments and abject failures. If you’re looking for something in particular, try the search box below.

Education is the way out of reoffending

Employment is the number one predictor of preventing re-offending. But education in our prisons – which provides the very path to finding a purpose – is failing.

Predicting sexual offending

Comparing two predictors of sexual recidivism: the Risk Matrix 2000 and the OASys Sexual Reoffending Predictor

Prison education is about more than finding work

New research from the Ministry of Justice shows that the positive impact of education for people supported by Prisoners’ Education Trust goes far beyond finding work, as their CEO Rod Clark explains.


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