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The latest research, policy, practice and opinion on our criminal justice and drug & alcohol treatment systems

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Prison van bringing prisoners from court
On Probation
IPP recalls mostly in line with policy

HMI Probation finds IPP recalls mostly in line with policy but deplores lack of support and continuity of supervising officers.

Drug & Alcohol Treatment Trends 2023

2022/23 treatment statistics show limited impact of new funding and another increase in the number of people dying in treatment.

On Probation
Remorse: what is it good for?

Kelly Grehan and Sean Mullen of Revolving Doors asks whether remorse has a place in sentencing.

Prisoners pushing their babies at HMP Styal
Criminal Justice
Pregnancy, criminal justice and social services

The charity Birth Companions looks at the needs of women in ‘dual contact’ with the criminal justice and social care systems during pregnancy and early motherhood.

Prison Equalities information

HMPPS Offender Equalities report shows an aging population which includes more transgender prisoners.


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