Y-Stop is an initiative run by the drugs and the law charity, Release. It is a stop and search project run by young people for young people.
It recently publicised a useful infographic showing information about the number of young people under 18 stopped and searched in the year up to March 2014.
Just 11% of these stops led to arrests and the Metropolitan Police carried out 39% of all stop and searches on young people.
You can find more information about Y-Stop here and follow them on Twitter @YStopUK
From 1 September 2015, you can download the app (here for Android), search iTunes for YStop. The app is a tool to monitor how stop and search is conducted. It helps users film and collect your own evidence and share it with Y-Stop, no longer having to rely on police records. It makes it easier for users to report or complain about what happened and access support and advice.
2 responses
As a Sheffield resident I noticed that police behaviour somewhat improved in 2014 which I think thanks to awesome work of groups like StopWatch. I am 19 and black and I get stopped and searched no less frequently than before but
I feel that the police became, I guess, more professional recently. I no longer feel myself treated like a criminal. South Yorkshire female officers always act friendly and seem like they do care about everyone’s safety,
chatting with you when they search you. Maybe it all is just me or maybe, hopefully, there’s a long needed change coming to stop and search policy.
Hi Jameela
Thanks very much for your interesting comment, really helpful to have some feedback of your personal experience.
Let’s hope it reflects a trend in the right direction.