Final Probation Target Operating Model published
HMPPS publishes final Target Operating Model and National Standards for unified model of probation.
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HMPPS publishes final Target Operating Model and National Standards for unified model of probation.
HMPPS has updated the draft Target Operating Model for Probation reflecting the changes stemming from the decision to renationalise the service.
Many witnesses who gave evidence to the Committee highlighted the inherent difficulties about the division of offender management between high risk and low-medium risk offenders, making the point that risk is dynamic and that there will need to be excellent communication across the two bodies to manage effectively those offenders whose risk levels rise and fall.
One of the least controversial aspects of Transforming Rehabilitation, the Ministry of Justice’s project to reform the probation service, is the establishment of 71 resettlement prisons. These resettlement prisons are linked with one or more Contract Package Areas and the aim is for all prisoners to spend the last three months of their sentence in their local resettlement prison so that release plans can be properly developed. The MoJ target is to ensure that at least 80% adult male offenders will be released from these resettlement prisons. But is this target achievable…?
This post examines the challenges facing resettlement prisons.
19 September 2013 may prove to a momentous date in probation history. Minister of Justice Chris Grayling announced the formal launch of the competition for the 40% of the probation service which is being outsourced/privatised. Today is also the day that probation staff are told about their (limited) options of moving into the new National Probation Service or…