Complex Needs – 10 principles of service design
Excellent set of 10 principles from Revolving Doors Agency for those designing services for people with complex needs. Informed by lived experience.
Tags are keywords. I put tags on every post to help you find the content you want. Tags may be people (Dominic Raab, say), organisations (The Howard League, PRT), themes (women offenders, homelessness) or specific items (heroin, racial disparity, ROTL). If you’re looking to research a particular issue, they can be invaluable.
Excellent set of 10 principles from Revolving Doors Agency for those designing services for people with complex needs. Informed by lived experience.
This is the seventh in a series of guest posts written by ex-offenders who have turned their lives around and now work, in one way or
Prisoners have very mixed experiences of drug treatment, particularly the prescribing of substitute medications such as methadone or buprenorphine (AKA Subutex)
Report from Revolving Doors Agency provides guidance for local commissioners tackling health inequalities in the justice system.
New toolkit from Revolving Doors Agency sets out the A-Z of prisoner involvement with an excellent set of resources.
Revolving Doors Agency toolkit provides detailed advice on how to involve service users in shaping your probation service.
An excellent new toolkit from Revolving Doors Agency presents everything you need to know and do to undertake peer research with offenders in the community.
Excellent new literature review from Revolving Doors Agency moves the debate on from “should we do peer research?” to “how best can we do peer research?”
New publication from Clinks and the Revolving Doors Agency highlights nine key issues for new Police and Crime Commissioners to work with the voluntary sector.
The guide is a practical document and provides a structured and accessible introduction to involving offenders and exoffenders; it
includes examples of good practice, checklists and signposts to further information and support.
In an era of falling public spending, prevention and early intervention are a growing focus for policymakers. With significant cuts to policing budgets in recent years, police leaders in particular have needed to think about how they can move ‘upstream’ to reduce demand.
Understanding the whole person The Revolving Doors Agency has just (26 November 2015) published the first in a series of literature reviews on severe and multiple