The growing problem of prison recalls
Russell digs into the data to shed more light on the prison recall problem.
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Russell digs into the data to shed more light on the prison recall problem.
Autumn 2002 statistics show prison population climbing and rises in the number of adjudications and prison recalls.
The Offender Management Statistics published in July 2022 shows the main justice trends including growing numbers of people in prison and on probation.
Official data for 2019 shows fewer prison receptions, fewer prison releases but more recalls. Probation caseloads continue to fall.
New HMPPS best practice guide on working with recalled prisoners sets out 9 key principles.
Prisoners and probation officers had different perceptions of how much prisoners understood recall, how much they communicated with each other, and the impact of recall on their relationship.
CRCs don’t see offenders often enough to engage them, leading to poor enforcement decisions. However, recalls to prison normally handled appropriately by NPS & CRCs.
Martin Jones, Chief Exec of the Parole Board, reflects on the huge rise in the number of prisoners recalled and looks to the future of parole.
Official figures show that 21,721 people were recalled to prison in the year Apr 2016 – Mar 2017 but only 44% of them had committed a further offence.
Martin Jones, Chief Exec of the Parole Board, marks the board’s 50th anniversary and sets out the main challenges including IPPs and a surge in recalls.