There’s an election on the horizon…
The Criminal Justice Alliance and Centre for Justice Innovation have a strategy for influencing the next generation of Police and Crime Commissioners.
Tags are keywords. I put tags on every post to help you find the content you want. Tags may be people (Dominic Raab, say), organisations (The Howard League, PRT), themes (women offenders, homelessness) or specific items (heroin, racial disparity, ROTL). If you’re looking to research a particular issue, they can be invaluable.
The Criminal Justice Alliance and Centre for Justice Innovation have a strategy for influencing the next generation of Police and Crime Commissioners.
The digital justice system is slowly becoming a reality. Police now transfer more than 90% of case files electronically to the CPS and there are digital Court pilots in Birmingham and Bromley. The next priority is to digitise evidence with police officers’ notebooks being overtaken by tablets and body worn video cameras which should not only streamline but also improve the quality of evidence.
There is a strong emphasis throughout the report on community engagement and neighbourhood policing and there is a specific recommendation to ensure that accountability goes down to the neighbourhood level by establishing “participatory budgeting units” to ensure greater local community involvement in allocating resources.
When the MoJ launched the competition for the outsourced components of the probation service on 19 September 2013, they issued a number of accompanying documents. Perhaps the most important was the Target Operating Model (TOM) which explains how the new system, with the current probation trusts split into a National Probation Service (NPS) and 21 Community Rehabilitation Companies, will operate in practice. TOM is 64 pages long and gives a very detailed description of the current MoJ vision of how reducing reoffending will work from 2015 onwards…
I’ve never really understood why right-wing think tanks have been such strong advocates of Police and Crime Commissioners expanding their powers at such an early stage in their existence. Reform published a report before PCCs were even elected which advocated that they should be in control not only of local police and criminal justice agencies but the fire and rescue and ambulance services too. Yesterday, Policy Exchange published Power Down: A plan for a cheaper, more effective justice system which again placed PCCs at the centre of change.
Earlier this week, the MoJ published the findings from the first evaluation of the justice reinvestment project conducted by Kevin Wong and his colleagues from Sheffield Hallam University. The pilot operates a payment by results approach which means that if the pilot areas succeed in reducing demand on criminal justice services (by 5% for adults and 10% for young offenders), they receive additional funds generated by the savings to invest in further reducing re-offending initiatives.
Rachel Rogers was a deputy governor in the prison service and the Labour PCC candidate for Dorset. She is a qualified teacher who now works
The deadline for responding to the Ministry of Justice consultation on the future of the Probation Service is tomorrow, 22nd February 2013. I finally got
Emma Daniel works for Public-I and leads on their work around Police & Crime Commissioners and digital democracy
Where Obama leads… Political analysts and pollsters agreed that a key component in President Obama’s successful re-election campaign was the effective use of social media.
What is content curation? Did you ever think there might be too much information on the internet? When’s the last time you did a Google
Remember, Remember the 15th November After months of apathy, the Police and Crime Commissioner elections are starting to provoke strong reactions. To mark the first