The latest drug trends in England
Latest official drug statistics suggest resurgence in school children’s use of drugs.
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Latest official drug statistics suggest resurgence in school children’s use of drugs.
The latest probation inspection report has found there are still major implementation problems with the new split probation system known as Transforming Rehabilitation.
The report, the first from new Chief Inspector Paul Wilson, found: Serious problems with the new Risk of Serious Recidivism tool…
The inspectors made a total of 67 recommendations to address the concerns they identified. It is too early to say whether these issues are teething problems inevitable given the massive change that TR involves or fundamental flaws that will get worse over time. It will be intriguing to see whether performance improves or deteriorates when new providers take over CRCs in early 2015.
The partner organisations have produced a Prospectus for the Institute which sets out their initial thoughts on the purpose of the organisation, its stakeholders, scope and priorities and an implementation plan and timetable. This prospectus sets out six key objectives for the Institute: 1) Providing professional leadership, enhancing the professional status of the sector
In the same way as all other staff, Probation Trust Chief Executives and senior managers will either be part of the new National Probation Service or their local Community Rehabilitation Companies from April 2014. Yesterday we learnt which posts have already been filled.