10 things from the last ever NOMS digest
The digest is a compendium of fascinating facts on prison & probation life: temporary release, accredited programmes and the 51 babies in prison last year.
Tags are keywords. I put tags on every post to help you find the content you want. Tags may be people (Dominic Raab, say), organisations (The Howard League, PRT), themes (women offenders, homelessness) or specific items (heroin, racial disparity, ROTL). If you’re looking to research a particular issue, they can be invaluable.
The digest is a compendium of fascinating facts on prison & probation life: temporary release, accredited programmes and the 51 babies in prison last year.
The final annual report on the National Offender Management Service reveals the extent and seriousness of the challenges facing the probation & prison services.
Announcement of new Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service which will take over from NOMS as MoJ takes policy and commissioning back in-house.
NOMS annual offender equalities report reveals interesting facts about an ageing offender population with less temporary release & more prison adjudications
The number of prison officers fell by over 2000 last year while there are slightly more probation officers in the National Probation Service.
NOMS is in charge of prisons and probation, find out what its priorities are in the year ahead.
The National Audit Office report on Transforming Rehabilitation finds it hard to judge performance of public NPS or private CRCs but raises areas of concern
National Offender Management Service has published its annual report and accounts for 2014/15. What does it tell us?
The reasons for this litany of poor practice have nothing to do with resources or politics. The findings are particularly shameful because the inspectors also found numerous examples of excellent work in custody and community and, where this was the case, the children in question had not reoffended.
The NAO chooses to highlight a key challenge in managing the prison estate in the future. Many of the cost savings are due to commissioning larger prisons – the Titan Prison planned for Wrexham will be Britain’s largest with about 2,000 prisoners). Smaller prisons tend to perform better and, although, there is no evidence base, many criminal justice commentators hold the view that it is easier to help prisoners address their problems and plan for successful release at smaller jails.
Like a young child writing to Santa, I don’t quite know where to begin with my wish list of all the things I’d like to know from NOMS before the Transforming Rehabilitation procurement process starts in earnest. Perhaps the obvious first request is to know when the PQQ process is going to start and end? And will it be the rumoured “light touch” process to ensure that most new entrants, including probation mutuals, will have a good chance of getting through? Or will it be the (also rumoured)…
The deadline for responding to the Ministry of Justice consultation on the future of the Probation Service is tomorrow, 22nd February 2013. I finally got