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Criminal Justice

Change from within

The Criminal Justice Alliance calls for more opportunities for people with lived experience to move into jobs, leadership & influencing positions.

Criminal Justice

There’s an election on the horizon…

The Criminal Justice Alliance and Centre for Justice Innovation have a strategy for influencing the next generation of Police and Crime Commissioners.


Community scrutiny of stop and search

Black people are 9 times more likely to be stopped and searched than whites. The Criminal Justice Alliance urges community scrutiny.


Young BAME men and stop and search

Criminal Justice Alliance research finds number of stop and searches down but proportion targeted at young BAME men has increased again.

Criminal Justice

We can afford restorative justice for all

All the political parties support restorative justice, so why is it so often unavailable? The Criminal Justice Alliance calculates an annual cost of just £30.5m

On Probation

The prospects for desistance

However, the MoJ and NOMS no longer have any control over the way in which the new Community Rehabilitation Companies deliver services and it will be up to these new probation providers has to whether desistance is really at the heart of their work to reduce reoffending and help offenders move towards a more positive lifestyle.


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