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Probation and COVID19
New research improves our understanding of the nature and impact of probation's response to COVID-19.

On probation and seeking health support during the pandemic

The University of Lincoln and the Revolving Doors Agency have just published the findings from a research study designed to improve understanding of the nature and impact of probation’s response to Covid-19 on:

  • Health-related probation practice
  • The lived experience of seeking health support whilst under probation supervision
  • Partnership working and pathways into healthcare

The research was funded by the Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC), as part of UK Research & Innovation’s rapid response to Covid-19 with the purpose of supporting recovery planning work, minimising negative impacts in the future, and spreading beneficial innovations in the future.


This research is based on detailed qualitative data gathered from:

  • Surveys of frontline probation staff in the National Probation Service and a Community Rehabilitation Company (including Senior Probation Officers) across England: exploring participants’ perceptions of the impact of the response to Covid-19 on their health-related practice with people under supervision
  • Semi-structured interviews with people under probation supervision: exploring the impact of changes on participants’ health, access to healthcare, and experience of working with probation or health services to improve their health during the pandemic facilitated by the Revolving Doors Agency through their lived experience network.
  • Workshop and follow-up calls: initial findings will be shared with probation staff and NHS England in a workshop. Additional detail on some themes and/or practice innovations will then be sought from survey participants via telephone and/or email correspondence. Where additional detail will be sought will be determined through feedback at the workshop to ensure the findings are directly relevant to future probation practice.

You can see the presentation of the initial findings directly below and further down the page you can see an infographic which summarises the key findings and recommendations from the project.

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