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Payment by Results: Any day you can get 2 for 1 is a good day

If you buy my new ebook "The 10 Commandments of Payment by Results", ALL THE PROCEEDS go to the Howard League for Penal Reform. Go on, treat yourself.

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10 Commandments of PbR available as ebook 

Payment by results is a controversial new approach to commissioning which tends to polarise opinions. This, to a large degree, is because it doesn’t yet have an established evidence base and many of the current pilot schemes described as PbR seem to have relatively little in common in terms of their design principles.

I thought that if those principles could be set down, and used to inform new PbR pilots, we’d have a much better idea about whether payment by results could revolutionise the commissioning of public services, or whether it is merely, as many commentators suggest, just a way of siphoning off profits to the private sector.

I recently shared my views on what these principles should be in a series of posts, in the form of the 10 Commandments of Payment by Results.

PbR wordle

Buy the ebook and support the Howard League for Penal Reform

I have just re-written these posts into a short ebook which is available on Amazon for £4.

All the proceeds (less the 30% charge made by Amazon) go directly to the Howard League for Penal Reform.

So this is a classic 2 for 1 – learn about PbR and help a good cause with just two clicks of your mouse.

The Howard League for Penal Reform was formed in 1866 and is a national charity working for less crime, safer communities and fewer people in prison. It believes that too much money is spent on a penal system which doesn’t work, doesn’t make our communities safer and fails to reduce offending.

The ebook will work on any Kindle, iPad or iPhone. If you have an Android or Windows device, you can download a free Kindle app from your app store.



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