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Is Reform think tank really doing it justice?
Should PCCs rule the world? I posted earlier this week about whether Police and Crime Commissioners

Official statement of Mervyn Barrett OBE on his withdrawal from Police & Crime Commissioner election in Lincolnshire
Having covered the recent developments in Mervyn Barrett’s campaign to be Lincolnshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner,

Probation Chief @CEOLewis on why she tweets
Sally Lewis, Chief Executive of Avon & Somerset Probation Trust, on why she tweets.

Are Police and Crime Commissioners a good idea?
Until a month or so ago, not many people had a view on whether the new

The curious case of the crime commissioner candidate
Mervyn Barrett is an independent candidate to be Lincolnshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner (the election is

Roma Hooper of Make Justice Work sees commissioning as the key issue for payment by results
In this latest in a series of short video interviews on payment by results, Roma Hooper, founder
Employ Russell
Russell has over 20 years’ experience as a researcher and consultant specialising in substance misuse and crime.
Prison, probation, police, substance misuse, commissioning & payment by results.
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Can prison service get back to providing a positive regime?
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