This is the second in a series of short video interviews with key figures involved in PbR which will be running every Monday through September and October.
Sean Williams is the Managing Director of the Welfare to Work programmes delivered by G4S.
He is a strong proponent of PbR saying it’s main advantage is that providers have to “do what it says on the tin” and produce the best results for taxpayers and service users.
What do you think about Sean’s view that PbR is the fairest way of judging the performance of different providers?
Comments below please.
If you’d like to be interviewed for this PbR series, please get in touch – my contact details are at the top of the home page.
You can see all the video interviews in this series with a wide range of viewpoints pro and con PbR from different perspectives here.
3 responses
Astonished that G4S have the gall to talk about ‘payment by results’ so soon after the Olympic debacle, particularly when they are apparently claiming full payment for their non delivery of Olympic security staff!
Really interesting piece and like the interview format. I think we should attempt not to approach PBR on political lines. As with any contract or service there will be good providers and bad providers. Sticking to the brief: I don’t really disagree with Seans views. PBR in theory – aligned to the right outcome measures – makes complete sense. As someone in the early days of delivering a PBR contract it brings a cultural shift to the team delivering it. You don’t need a team charter! The team has to deliver this and deliver it well. No argument. Looking forward to the other interviews.
If Work Programme providers were only paid by results they would all be out of business. They are all getting millions in up-front attachment fees, and then most (if not all) of the so-called payments by results are for people who would have got jobs anyway. If politicians really want to end the something for nothing culture they should stop giving billions of taxpayers money to the fraudulent welfare to work industry.