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Criminal Justice Quiz Easter 2024

Russell Webster's traditional Bank Holiday criminal justice quiz, Easter 2024 edition.

Regular readers will know I punctuate the year with three Quizzes – Advent, Easter & August Bank Holiday. So here is your Easter 2024 edition. It’s a simple multiple choice test about anything and everything to do with the criminal justice system. All the answers are to be found somewhere on this blog I hope the sun is shining wherever you are when you test your knowledge of the CJS.

Good luck and do share your results on social media especially if you have bragging rights to announce.




Better luck next time

#1. How many open prisons are there for women in England and Wales?

#2. What proportion of prisoners with severe mental health needs were transferred to secure hospitals within 28 days?

#3. What proportion of stop and searches result in an arrest?

#4. What proportion of probation staff are women?

#5. How many adults were in alcohol & drug treatment in secure settings in 2022/23?

#6. How many prison recalls were there in the third quarter of 2023?

#7. How many people are currently serving a whole life sentence?

#8. What proportion of women remanded into custody by the Crown Court DON’T receive a prison sentence?

#9. What is the prison population projected to be in March 2028?

#10. How many women were prosecuted for TV licence evasion in 2022?


5 responses

  1. The question you did not ask. . is? How many women? need. to be in prison. because they are a danger to society. Why? Are we not? punishing? Wrong doers. within the community.

  2. So chuffed to have received 90% correct! My one failure was on Q 5: I was surprised to see how many drug users were being treated in secure settings. But how much more effective that treatment would be if the system of judicial monitoring and supervision, introduced by the DTTO, and now the DRR, for which I have been pressing for over 20 years, was more generally adopted!

    Hopefully this may receive wider recognition when my memoir “Behind my door – how a judge’s experience of mentoring was applied to judicial monitoring as an aid to rehabilitation” is published in mid-November. Watch this space!

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