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Celebrate Restorative Justice Week 2015
Why don't you celebrate Restorative Justice Week by making sure that all your local RJ providers are registered on the Restorative Justice Council's new map of RJ in the criminal justice system?

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15 – 22 November 2015

The Ministry of Justice has become increasingly committed to Restorative Justice over recent years, seeing it as having three main objectives:

  • Restorative justice brings together people harmed by crime or conflict with those responsible for the harm, to find a positive way forward.
  • Restorative justice gives victims the chance to tell offenders the real impact of their crime, get answers to their questions and get an apology.
  • Restorative justice holds offenders to account for what they have done. It helps them understand the real impact, take responsibility, and make amends.

The MoJ now makes a big fuss of the international Restorative Justice Week which takes place every November. Like last year, the MoJ has produced a wide range of promotional leaflets, posters and online resources to help local organisations promote RJ.

This year’s campaign runs from 15 – 22 November.



The resources include the web banner above and two posters; one of which is reproduced below:

RJ 2015 1

There are also a series of Facebook banners and two twitter banners, one of which is reproduced below:

RJ 2015 3



Why don’t you celebrate Restorative Justice Week by making sure that all your local RJ providers are registered on the Restorative Justice Council’s new map of RJ in the criminal justice system?

It takes just 5-10 minutes to fill in the survey and the RJC will host all the results online making it much easier for any victim or professional to find their local restorative justice survey.

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