Prison and Probation commit to digital future

HMPPS sets out bold digital strategy for 2021/22
Social media hampers desistance

Natalie Rutter’s new research finds that social media plays a largely negative role on identity and relational desistance.
Digital inclusion for offenders and the Third sector

Michael Vreugdenhil of Pink Umbrella Studios on why digital inclusion is a priority for offenders and long term prisoners in particular.
Can Twitter indicate local crime rates?

Intriguing study finds that twitter can reliably indicate prevalence of certain crimes, although only in low-crime London neighbourhoods.
Facebook artificial intelligence spots suicidal users

New measures from Facebook seek to help suicidal users by using artificial intelligence to identify those at risk and then intervene with helping resources.
Social media and youth violence

Report from Catch 22 investigates how social media can act as a catalyst and trigger for youth violence.
Seeking help for domestic abuse

Brilliant series of 3 very short videos by Michael Linnell raising awareness of domestic abuse and providing information about sources of help.
Recovery apps go to the next level

Breaking Free offers online recovery resource free to all drug & alcohol users (& treatment agencies) affected by COVID-19.
Using social media to assess risk

Could the probation service soon be using computerised algorithms to assess risk of harm to the public by the automatic search of offenders’ Facebook posts?
New Hestia app helps those in abusive relationships

New Hestia app helps those in abusive relationships by providing advice, support and the ability to compile a secret diary of abuse.
Online drug and alcohol prevention work

How a viral instagram campaign was created to raise awareness of the thin line between social drinking and problematic alcohol use.
Now Google can save your life

Now Android phones will send everything the handset knows about your location to emergency services whenever you dial 999.