Move to curb imprisonment of pregnant women
Sentencing Council consults on new guidelines for community & custodial sentences, including guidance to consider impact on unborn children.
Here you can find over 500 posts tracking every major development in criminal justice since 2011. You can track crime trends, court modernisation and digitisation programmes and the impact of austerity. If you’re looking for something in particular, try the search box below.
Sentencing Council consults on new guidelines for community & custodial sentences, including guidance to consider impact on unborn children.
Agenda Alliance and the Alliance for Youth Justice call for a gender-sensitive support for criminalised young women.
Black and minoritised women face additional barriers in seeking protection from domestic abuse.
Tony Blair’s Think Tank sets out five key priorities for reforming the justice system.
Research from the charity JUSTICE finds bail processes are not being properly followed in the magistrates’ courts, undermining the fairness of remand decision-making.
The 2023 King’s Speech includes provisions for more whole-life sentences and key changes to the parole system.
Crest Advisory examines justice devolution via four case studies (Avon & Somerset, Greater Manchester, London & West Mids).
His Honour Judge Andrew Berkley describes the work of the Greater Manchester Family Drug and Alcohol Court.
The Justice Committee warns that public debate on sentencing is “stuck in a dysfunctional and reactive cycle” and calls on the Government to identify where there may be genuine gaps between sentencing policy and public opinion.
Helen Mills from the Centre of Crime and Justice Studies argues that the presumption against short sentences is not the worst idea but misses the point.
Research finds that women are at risk of being targeted by abusers in “chaotic, intimidating or unsafe” drug and alcohol treatment services.
Latest court statistics show backlogs in both Crown and Magistrates’ Courts growing in the last quarter.