Crime figures show another rise in knife crime
Knife crime shows a further 7% increase with hot-spots in London, West Midlands, West Yorkshire & Greater Manchester.
Here you can find over 500 posts tracking every major development in criminal justice since 2011. You can track crime trends, court modernisation and digitisation programmes and the impact of austerity. If you’re looking for something in particular, try the search box below.
Knife crime shows a further 7% increase with hot-spots in London, West Midlands, West Yorkshire & Greater Manchester.
The Criminal Justice Alliance and Centre for Justice Innovation have a strategy for influencing the next generation of Police and Crime Commissioners.
Grim new statistics show that 726 homeless people died in England and Wales last year, at an average age of just 45 for men and 43 for women.
The Housing First model provides housing “first” as a matter of right to people with complex needs, rather than “last” or as a reward.
Magistrates Association report finds victims dissatisfied with their experience of attending court.
Crest Advisory report on understanding the scale and nature of serious violence.
The National Audit Office’s latest progress report on the court modernisation programme finds it is behind schedule.
All Party Parliamentary Group and Howard League find women who have been victims of violence and abuse are over-represented in the criminal justice system.
While away your Bank Holiday with this light-hearted quiz on all things criminal justice.
The total number of individuals formally dealt with by the Justice System in Eng & Wales is the lowest since records began, falling 2% in the latest year.
A summary of the blizzard of recent announcements on a major change in criminal justice policy.
New MoJ report on the economic and social costs of reoffending