A place to go like this
The charity Advance on helping mothers involved in offending who are survivors of domestic abuse
Here you can find over 500 posts tracking every major development in criminal justice since 2011. You can track crime trends, court modernisation and digitisation programmes and the impact of austerity. If you’re looking for something in particular, try the search box below.
The charity Advance on helping mothers involved in offending who are survivors of domestic abuse
Victims’ Commissioner explores the overlap between children’s experience of domestic abuse and children’s offending behaviour and makes recommendations for early intervention and consistent practice.
How Fine Cell Work is keeping prisoners active. First in a new blog series on how the criminal justice sector is protecting its service users against the impact of coronavirus.
Dame Carol Black’s Review of Drugs analyses drug-related violence in the UK.
The successes and challenges of delivering hate crime community projects.
New research from Crest Advisory into what British Muslims think about policing, extremism and the Prevent programme
Penal Reform International’s global report reveals gender discrimination in sentencing for drug offences.
Crest Advisory’s second report investigating the drivers of serious violence examines the role of drug markets.
61% women were killed by their current or former partner.
The MoJ’s second annual update on tackling racial disparity shows there is a lot of work still to be done.
Youth Justice Statistics for 2018/19 show that the number of first time entrants to the youth justice system fell by 18% last year.
Parliamentary briefing on the policy consideration of non-custodial sentences.