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Payment by Results Posts

All the latest news: Best Practice Interactive Tool Paradoxes Innovation

Here you can find over 150 posts tracking every major development in payment by results since 2011. You can see where PbR has succeeded and, more frequently, where it has failed across a wide range of sectors: offending, welfare, employment, substance misuse… If you’re looking for something in particular, try the search box below.

Funding PbR Outcomes: it’s complicated

Some things in life are complicated. Take, for example, deciding the causes of the August riots. The government,  Metropolitan Police and the Guardian/LSE  are just

Social Impact – ONE year on

Most voluntary sector projects publish an annual report. Not many are greeted with the level of interest which met yesterday’s publication of the first report

Commissioning a better future

The last 20 years have seen an increased focus on the importance of modernising public services. It was a strong characteristic of the Blair years,

Prison, Party Politics and PbR

Sometimes one person stands up against a revolution. Thirty years ago, on 23 February 1981, 200 armed officers of the Civil Guard burst into the

What are social impact bonds? Or: Show me the money

Given the current state of the economy and scale of the deficit, it is clear that there is likely to be a continued high level of interest in Private Finance Initiatives which is essentially what Social Impact Bonds are. At one level, those of us trying to tackle entrenched social problems like drug-related offending are not too concerned with the source of funding, we just want someone to ‘show me the money’.

PbR – a healthy proposition?

Last week I posted apoll to try to gauge attitudes to payment by results by those sufficiently interested in the subject to read this Blog. For


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