User Voice interviewed 111 people subject to the IPP sentence.
PPO Use of Force Policy Framework explains how and why all force used by prison officers must be necessary, reasonable and proportionate.
The latest additions to the Butler Trust’s Knowledge Exchange site for prison, probation and youth justice practitioners.
Jon Collins of the Prisoners, Education Trust reviews the evidence on prison education for the Clinks Evidence Library.
National Audit Office report shows exactly how the MoJ spent its £13bn budget.
AYJ briefing explores how racially minoritised young people experience particularly destabilising transitions due to deficits in support before and after turning 18.
Chief Prison Inspector talks of the appalling distress of seriously mentally ill prisoners who are stuck in prison waiting transfer to secure hospital.
“Sedative coping”, the capacity to suppress emotions to cope with decades inside, creates its own difficulties on release.
HMI Probation Academic Insight on the Sequential Intercept Model – a trauma-informed diversionary framework.
FairChecks finds criminal record disclosure requirements in England and Wales much more punitive than the US.
Annual Youth Justice Statistics paint a mixed picture.
There was a welcome 8% increase in the number of people starting drug/alcohol treatment in prison last year.