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The latest research, policy, practice and opinion on our criminal justice and drug & alcohol treatment systems

My latest blog posts

Criminal Justice
Magistrates’ remand decisions “unfair”

Research from the charity JUSTICE finds bail processes are not being properly followed in the magistrates’ courts, undermining the fairness of remand decision-making.

Criminal Justice
Even tougher on crime

The 2023 King’s Speech includes provisions for more whole-life sentences and key changes to the parole system.

Criminal Justice
Devolving Justice in practice

Crest Advisory examines justice devolution via four case studies (Avon & Somerset, Greater Manchester, London & West Mids).

Criminal Justice
Public debate on sentencing “dysfunctional”

The Justice Committee warns that public debate on sentencing is “stuck in a dysfunctional and reactive cycle” and calls on the Government to identify where there may be genuine gaps between sentencing policy and public opinion.


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