Keep up-to-date with drugs and crime

The latest research, policy, practice and opinion on our criminal justice and drug & alcohol treatment systems

My latest blog posts

IPP licence termination hotline

The Howard League has set up a hotline to advise people on IPP sentences about the new arrangements for terminating their licence.

Cyber crime and harm

Advanced technology has increased the breadth, scale and sophistication of cyber crime. How can cyber security evolve to counter it?

The same old story on prison education

Jon Collins of the Prisoners’ Education Trust finds that the 2023/24 official statistics tell the same story of missed opportunities.

How does parole work?

Acting Chief Executive of the Parole Board Faith Geary sets out the parole process in detail.

Do treatment orders work?

MoJ study finds alcohol, drug & mental health treatment requirements reduce reoffending compared with those given short custodial sentences.


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