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The 10 (updated) Commandments of Payment by Results

An updated set of principles for commissioning by payment by results based on a substantial review of the most recent research.

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An evolving evidence base

Legend has it that Moses had to come down from Mount Sinai twice with the 10 Commandments —- having smashed the first set in anger at the sinning Israelites.

The bible says that the second version was identical to the first.

By contrast, my original 10 Commandments of Payment by Results have not proved to be so set in stone.

I created the first list of what is essentially 10 principles for PbR commissioning in 2013. However, earlier this year, I embarked on a large project for the Oak Foundation developing an interactive PbR tool to help commissioners, investors and providers think through the key issues associated with a PbR contract.

As part of that work, I undertook a substantial literature review (free to download here) which has prompted me to update my original key principles. One of the interesting features of the lit review was the surge in PbR research, of the 93 studies I reviewed, 59 had been published in 2013 or later. We still don’t have a clear indication of whether PbR as a model works or not; but we have a much better understanding of the factors which make some schemes successes and others failures.

If you are thinking of using PbR to commission a service or considering bidding to provide a service under a PbR contract, I hope you will find the infographic below useful.

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