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Summary of consultation workshops on the development of an interactive tool for payment by results

This document summarises the key learning points from two workshops held on 18 January 2016 at the Cockpit Arts Centre in London. The workshops were attended by a total of 14 individuals, both commissioners and providers, with experience of PbR; they came from a range of different sectors including criminal justice, employment, health, homelessness and substance misuse.

Key learning about payment by results

The participants shared their learning from being involved in commissioning and delivering PbR schemes and identified the following key features:

PbR Dos

PbR Don’ts

PbR priorities

Designing the interactive tool

Participants were asked 5 key questions about the PbR tool:

  1. What would they like to gain from using such a tool?
  2. What issues would they like to see covered in the tool?
  3. Characteristics of the tool
  4. How long should the tool take to complete?
  5. Could they recommend other good quality tools from which to learn?

Purpose of using the tool

Issues covered by the tool


How long?

There was no consensus around this issue but it was felt that the tool needed to be flexible and generate different levels of learning so that users could investigate different issues to the extent that they were relevant to them.

Example of  tools to learn from

Next steps

Russell will analyse the learning from these workshops with the feedback from the online PbR surveys (frontline staff and service users) in early February and start developing the first version of the tool in that month.

He hopes to have an initial version of the tool ready for piloting by March 2016.









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