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Prison Posts

All the latest news: Reform Safety Policy

Here you can find over 600 posts tracking every major development in our prisons since 2011. You can read prison safety statistics, find out about prison reform plans and (often lack of progress), positive developments and abject failures. If you’re looking for something in particular, try the search box below.

man on bunk in cell

Prisoners’ experience under COVID-19

The Independent Advisory Panel on Deaths in Custody gives a unique insight into the experiences of those detained in prisons during the Covid-19 crisis.

A prisoner flexes his muscles. HMP Wandsworth

New research on working with psychopathic prisoners

Chromis is a prison based treatment programme aimed at reducing violence in people whose level or combination of psychopathic traits disrupts their ability to engage in treatment and change. Does it work?

A sniffer dog searching post

Drug use and prisons

Dame Carol Black’s Review of Drugs provides a detailed overview of drug use and prisons.

Prison Officer body cam

Body worn video cameras in prison

Evaluation of prison officers’ use of body worn video cameras found they had a varying impact on the levels of recorded violence and use of force.


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