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Probation Posts

All the latest news: TR/Reunification Policy Practice Innovation Inspections

Here you can find more than 700 posts tracking every major development in probation since 2011. You can trace the rise and fall of Transforming Rehabilitation, see the latest performance figures and explore new practice developments. If you’re looking for something in particular, try the search box below.

The end of probation?

Will the merger of the prison and probation services lead to the loss of probation identity?

Child to Parent Abuse

Amanda Holt summarises the research findings on child to parent abuse, covering its prevalence, contexts, and impacts.

Criminal justice trends – summer 2022

The Offender Management Statistics published in July 2022 shows the main justice trends including growing numbers of people in prison and on probation.

First day out of prison

Community Chaplaincy Norfolk share a story of meeting a person as they are released from prison.


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