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The latest research, policy, practice and opinion on our criminal justice and drug & alcohol treatment systems

Alcohol & Drugs

All the latest news: Policy Practice Innovation Treatment Drug Use Trends

Here you can find over 400 posts tracking every major development in the substance misuse sector since 2011. You can keep up with latest treatment stats, funding news, policy developments and treatment innovations. If you’re looking for something in particular, try the search box below.


What is Captagon?

Captagon is a relatively new illicit drug associated with use by terrorists.


Why cocaine is cheaper and better quality

The complex global situation which has made cocaine in the UK so cheap and dangerous – summed up in this 154 seconds video from the Economist.


What is social prescribing?

Social prescribing aims to improve patients’ quality of life, health and wellbeing; recognising that health is affected by a range of social, economic and environmental factors.


Reviewing Transforming Rehabilitation

Mike Trace, Chief Executive of the Forward Trust, argues that we mustn’t miss this opportunity to to make a step change in the number of offenders’ lives turned around.


Stopping the rise in drug-related deaths

ONS deep dive study suggests a vulnerable, at-risk population taking drugs alone and consuming multiple different types of drug alongside alcohol.


Official drug trends 2018

Around 1 in 29 (3.5%) of adults aged 16 to 59 had taken a Class A drug in the last year, equivalent to around 1.1 million people.


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